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Bisexual person is a person who likes both genders men and women and it's not a phase sometimes it is but most of the time it's not.

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm bisexual that's means i like girls and boys and my it's not a phase.

by True god handler August 19, 2020

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Bisexual is when you are sexually
attracted to both men and women.

She is bisexual, even though she has a girlfriend, she is still attracted to men.

by the_dp_lover June 2, 2018

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The ability to shove your hand down someone’s pants and be satisfied with whatever you find

I am bisexual. I love all genders (please read the bisexual manifesto for the love of god-)

by Coffee Biscuit July 12, 2020

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People who are attracted to two or more (but not all) genders.

"Oh, yeah I'm bisexual."

by Bi_bi_bi June 10, 2019

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A person who can go down in someone pants and be happy with what the find AKA: me

jason:Dude I hear karen girl and guy

me:Ok and

jason:She gay
me:No she bisexual dumdass

(If you a like Jason go fuck your self

by {LouΒΆ} April 27, 2020

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A person who doesn't care about making out with a guy or a girl at a party.

Aloe has a crush on Moses, but she also likes Crystal, so she's bisexual.

by Betty Jo October 13, 2018

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Cooper is a disaster bisexual

by uhh yea oh yea October 20, 2020

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