Source Code

Butterfly Kiss

Placing one's puckered butthole against someone else's face. First, spread your butt cheeks so as to fully expose the butthole. Next, slowly place the butthole up against someone's face. Finally, let go of the butt cheeks, so that they slap the person's face and flutter like a butterfly's wings.

Danny gave Alfredo several butterfly kisses while he was sleeping last night.

by Dumpy Del Negro September 1, 2013

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butterfly (female)

An unattractive woman who is in a temporary state of desirability and tries to have sex with as many attractive men as she can before her desirability fades away.

G: Look at that woman OMG I think that's my future wife!
OG: You'd better be attracted to more than her looks G, she's a butterfly (female).

by theauthormarkwilkins February 18, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Butterfly Effect

1. The theory that everything that happens must happen; that you can't save one thing without destroying something else. Coming from the idea of a butterfly caught in a spider's web. You can't save the butterfly without killing the spider (through violence or starvation).
(Also personified in the more popular saying, "Live and Let Die")
2. ... Also the name of a movie that portrays the previous definition. Er, I think. I haven't actually seen it. Is it any good? Excuse me if I don't hold my breath...

Stopping the bombing of Hiroshima would most likely have the butterfly effect that would have costed a multitude more lives.
(Please excuse the politically incorrect referance. My most heart-felt apologies go out to anyone particularly connected the the incident portrayed in this example.)

by Supermanchild January 3, 2004

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vomiting butterfly

When you cum on a chicks butthole but, not inside. Then you squish the buttcheeks together and then spread them appart and observe your beautiful vommitting butterfly.

Nick gave violet a vomiting butterfly cause bitch was spending his mother f*ing money.

by Niceapples November 12, 2009

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Butterfly Boy

The guy you meet online dating who after only one date sends way too many amorous text messages and emails with animated butterfly emoticons. If allowed to continue, he will most definitely become a bonafide stalker.

Guy: Hey, how was your date last night?

Girl: OMG! He turned out to be a total butterfly boy! He texted me that he had "butterflies in his stomach" and then sent me an email with animated butterfly emoticons! Now he wants to take me to the butterfly exhibit at the Museum of Science! Help! Make it stop!

Guy: You tell him to take his arsenal of butterfly emoticons and shove them right up his a$$!!!

by JuliaGulia September 2, 2005

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The Butterfly Room

A Mariah Carey forum corrupted with nothing but endless bickering and fighting between members. Constant Mariah Carey hate and very sick individuals, such as member "Wilma".
It is one of the worst forums to be apart of as everything positive is frowned upon and the administration allows this.

The Butterfly Room is a horrible forum that needs to be shutdown.

by Britneyfan1 November 30, 2008

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Retarded butterfly

When You go to wipe yourself but you piss a little on your hand or arm.

Rikki: Dude I accidently peed a little on my hand!

Twiggy: Eww you, retarded butterflyed all over yourself! Dont touch me!

by Rikkijk January 29, 2011

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