A vape pen with DMT that will make you trip maddd balls.
“Nigga must be smoking that Joe Rogan DMT cart again.”
Slang for someone who reigns supreme in the realm of weed pens, adept at navigating the highs and lows of vaping THC oil with finesse and style.
Jake became known as the cart king among his friends for his expert handling of his weed pen during their late-night sessions.
When Jonny Brown is so gullable that he thinks that it means something -From James
Wow, Jonny brown doesnt know that the gate doesn't close before the cart is full. He only knows that he succeeded in putting his arm around Nina (the girl he likes)
if someone has been given carte blanche, it means that the person is free to do or say whatever they please.
John: So you are saying the only rule is to get the ball to the target?
Alice: Yep! There are no other rules.
John: I don’t see how this game could possibly work.
Alice: Think of it this way. All the players have carte blanche to do whatever they think will help them get the ball to the target
John: So punching is allowed?
Alice: Anything.
a person so fucking stupid from hitting carts
“you literally have cart brain”
- Shortened term for "concept art" usually used by artists as an easy way to get their point across in discussion.
(Note: the word Cart can also be used as a shortened version of the word "Cartridge" but this definition is to only be used to describe the artists term)
"Pixar has released a newly produced hardcover book that contains Cart / C-Art of their various movie franchises and short films"
The BEST pizza place in Utah. Located in a itty bitty city called Cedar City. The pizzas make your mouth run like a waterfall and will blow your fucking mind! Great gelato and salads too!
Steve: Want to go to Centro Pizza tonight?
Julie: Hell no, The Pizza Cart is 1,000 times better! Let's go there!