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Dillon Gaffeny

Dillon gaffeny is a bendy eared creature found in many forests and backyards he is hard to spot over his smelly musty skin.You know you are near a gaffeny when you smell something horrible.

Are you a Dillon gaffeny cause you smell like poo

by Sterling Prohegurtus May 2, 2022

Dillon Webb

-Walks like a duck

- gets tossed around by his girl

-Only is with her for the goods
-Has a small peeper
-Trash at soccer
-Can't live without a girl

-Has common tacks as arms

-Weighs 60 pounds and hasn't put on weight since birth

Dude Dillon Webb is so queer

Why doesnt Dillon just dump his girl already

by Some fat ass February 27, 2019

Dillon Fowst

The sexiest and most beautiful god ever to be created, on par with the beauty of Aphrodite herself. I would show a picture, but his beauty is too great to be captured by human technology

Holy shit, he's almost as handsome as Dillon Fowst!

by The One and Only True God Yup September 17, 2019