Shit door. As in "anus". Stems from a submarines waterproof hatch.
Dude, my dookie hatch is leaking !
Holy shit!, look at that chicks dookie hatch.
Noun: When ones defecation has the same consistancy of that of urine.
Employee F: Ugh!!! I have terrible diarrhea. My butt has been running like a faucet all day!
Employee C: Yo man, you got the Dookie Piss.
it means something that truly sucks, atrocious, awful, and sometimes just lame.
"hey did you read that new 50 shades book?" "no way man that shit's dookie ass!"
A really good deal on something.
David:"My boy said he would throw in those tires and rims for two hundred extra bucks."
Dan:"Hell yea man, you should do that. That's a dookie lick."
When you feel like there is a fire breathing dragon stuck sideways in your colon! You push and push then finally you explode, and your body experiences this blissful tingling sensation as if thousands of tiny unicorns were dancing on your spine! At that moment you look down, and your butthole is smoking like a gun barrel!
That spicy dookie I dropped the other day was so bad my clothes smelt like smoke!
(noun) When your legs fall asleep from sitting on the toilet for too long taking an epic dump.
After sitting on the toilet for 45 minutes, I found that I had developed dookie legs and had to hobble around like an old man until the feeling came back.
Someone so ugly or torn up, they look like a huge pile of dookie on the side of the road!
Ooo bruh, I saw Turquois'e today and she be lookin like Road Dookie!