A very educated person, at the best universities, but one who becomes boring and/or unimpressive when running for political office
Have you seen an educated failure? What about mayor Pete?
People who have gone to an elite prep school or a ivy league university but are boring and unimpressive in their post educational social/professional lives.
Mayor Pete is an educated failure!
A very well educated person but one who is boring and unimpressive irl in terms of their career 🤔
A lot of politicians seem to be educated failures.
Celebrate april 17th by having sexual intercourse with someone that goes to the same school, universitet etc. as you.
The only limit is that they have to be attractive.
Hello math partner, do you want to have sex?
Yes of course, because it is National ‘Fuck Someone From Your Education’ Day!
I wrote a perfect, flawless, award -winning essay.
It got deleted because I accidentally pressed the back arrow.
Give me my gold medal anyway.
Better yet, help me kill all Indians.
They're worthless!
They have ALL the Caucaisn priveldges in the world; but have no accomplishments and just play with dolls and play video games all day, continuing to deny me basic human rights, despite my intelligence, work-ethic and competence.
They have never worked a day in their lives, have never cooked a meal,.have maids, servants and slaves, have no wife, no kids, no accomplishments.
They are disgusting and worthless.
The only card they have to play is Caucaisn provelege.
Once we stop honoring it?
Da party begins.
Caucasian Privelege; Education is the fact that most Indians have the opportunity to go to online school and learn about the matrix; most of them are too spoiled and entitled to take it.
Most Indians are voluntarily uneducated and voluntarily unemployed.
I, as a colonized girl of color, am forced to educate myself! While my restaurant gets bombed and the KKK uses the matrix to scream in my head, I still manage to educate myself every day. On top of my work as a rapper, writer, CHEF, abolitionist, civil rights leader, singer, composer. I have absolutely nothing; I would give anything for an education!
But Europeans voluntarily throw their lives away. No accomplishments; no work, no schooling, no hobbies, no wife, no kids.
They don't know how to cook; they don't know basic computer programming. I learned a little bit of basic Python in school; they don't even use Scratch. They are so spoiled and so dependent on Caucasian Priveleged, that even their colonization of me and racism towards me is achieved using servants.
They are worthless, disgusting, hopelessly spoiled. There is no such thing as European culture ; just lots and lots of Caucasian shame. And no accomplishments despite having absolutely EVERYTHING, just handed to them. If someone is voluntarily uneducated, they should be euthanized.
An education is a privilege that I have never once been afforded; but I am still infinitely better educated and more accomplished than the KKK.
A soopid as bedrock edition copy. Used for "Education purpuses"
Just play java edition its just better in so many ways
Never EVER install Minecraft Education Edition
Oh no! You have to do the thing I have to do! Oh no! For an indefinite about of time!? Awww... That sucks! But hey, look at it this way, at least the people doing it to YOU aren't retarded in comparison to YOU. Right? You're at the same level of intellect!
Hym "At least, your forced re-education is at the hands of people who are at your level, you know, intellectually... Because you're not all that intelligent? Hey, use your willingness to affirm values you don't actually believe in! Do that! Validate the axioms of the God you don't actually believe in! I mean... Not in the way YOU ALREADY ARE DOING THAT but like... The woke God... Validate that one now."