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Downhill Envy

The phenomenon that outdoor runners may experience wherein one runner, while tackling a particularly daunting incline, crosses paths with a runner enjoying the downhill while traveling in the opposite direction. The uphill runner might inwardly direct strong feelings of jealousy toward the downhill runner's good fortune that can only come during the exhaustion and red-faced all-out effort of a literal uphill battle. This is downhill envy. In special circumstances, such as those in which the downhill runner offers audible or visual expressions of encouragement or solidarity, downhill envy may even manifest in the uphill runner's outward utterance of disdain at the downhill runner's perceived condescension.

See also: Uphill Empathy, the sister term of Downhill Envy

Friend: Hey, how was your run?
Runner: I've had better. I was trying to haul ass up this one particularly vicious incline, but it was a serious struggle. What made it worse was this guy happily bounding down the hill in the opposite direction.
Friend: Damn. Downhill envy.

Runner: Mmm hmm.

by oversmashed July 23, 2014

Lookout Envy

Stinging ping of failure that the bands from the 90's Wave of "Lookout! Records" Pop Punk bands express, at their loss of fame, compared to the success of acts like Green Day and Rancid, while continuing to propagate the facade that they are legitimate and valid "rock stars".

While watching the Trump rally today on FOX, Green Day came on during a Pepsi commercial, and Ben spent the rest of the day pining with "Lookout Envy.""

by BlagThePedo August 27, 2019

Blonde Envy

A Woman who wishes she was blonde.

She looked at her long silky hair naturally blonde hair and wished she were herself were blonde. she had Blonde Envy

by February 17, 2021


When your at a restaurant and your waiter is enthusiastic & super nice and you feel extra special, only to see that he does the same thing to the people at the table next to you.

Waiter: You guys look like a fun crowd!!

You: Thank you!

(Waiter goes to the next table)

Waiter: You guys look like a fun crowd!!

You: Damn i have such Waiter-Envy he totally played me.

by 1995isthetime June 7, 2011

Brandon Envy

Wishing to have created a phrase like “Let’s Go Brandon” which refers to media and politicians who tell you what you distinctly see and hear is not true. They then go on to give a dishonest altered explanation which is clearly false.

The Democrat Party had Brandon Envy.

by MeWebster November 2, 2021


When your woman holds out on you for an extended period of time but gets mad at you for rubbing one out to retain your sanity.

Hey buddy check this out my wife got mad at me for jerking off I think she's suffering from a little bit of O-envy

by Extremejutsu August 16, 2022

envy voter

A person who votes for progressive candidates and policies because they have made bad decisions in life and they want people who have made good decisions to subsidize their past or continued bad choices.

Far left progressives are mostly just envy voters suffering from learned helplessness.

by DonnySloot October 27, 2020