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Free-spirit at heart, a nature-lover and a girl called Kelly.

Look at how yolo she is, she must be an explorer!

by yologurl123 November 6, 2019

Edna the explorer

Doras long lost sister

Edna the explorer came through my treehouse

by YS_jag February 5, 2020

Edna the explorer

Dora the explorers long lost sister

Edna the explorer trampled my treehouse

by YS_jag February 5, 2020

explore the jungle

eat the ass of a hairy indian man

Person 1: YO meyn i'm gonna explore Ghandi's jungle in 40 minutes
Person 2: You gonna explore the jungle? Aight good luck my gnig, it's quite the Amazon down there

by kuhalko April 12, 2019

Explorer 500

An Inflatable Raft that you get from Wal-Mart when you don’t have dingy or tube and want to go floating or camping with your friends. It is Orange, Black, with White detailing and “Explorer 500” written on the bow of the raft. It’s pretty cheaply made. Usually purchased by the drunkest person at the camp site in a hasty fashion as the scramble out to the mountains. The user probably shouldn’t even be using it whilst so intoxicated.

Friend 1) “Hey, Man! We’re going floating at the lake today. Why don’t you come?!?”
Friend 2) “Sounds Rad! I just have to dip out too Walmart and grab a shitty Explorer 500 raft and a Cube of Pil’s”

Guy 1) “You probably shouldn’t go down that river in that shitty dingy. It’s too dangerous and you’re wasted!”
Guy 2) “Whatever, Dude! The Explorer 500 is the most solid boat ever. It’ll tackle these rapids like a Beast!”
*Guy #2’s body is found 4 days later 25 miles down stream floating face down and stuck in some brush*

by thebirdbrand May 31, 2021

Ability-Gated Exploration Platformer

An ability-gated exploration platformer (AGEP) is a genre term for a video game that is heavily based around exploration and non-linearity, with certain areas generally inaccessible without upgrades or new unlockable abilities.

The game space is often open-world or semi-open, and involves encountering obstacles that the player cannot usually overcome without later backtracking. This is the generic term for the genre more popularly known as "Metroidvania" or "Zeldavania."

I'm working on a new game. It's an ability-gated exploration platformer inspired by Dead Cells and Guacamelee!

by ShadowDx64 November 5, 2024