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Father Nature

Similar to the term mother nature, but applying specifically to the portrayals of nature in video games.

coolgamer1: "wtf the terrain glitches out near the river"
coolgamer2: "looks like father nature is back at it again lmaoooo"

by Inlovewithabsol May 19, 2022

Father McChow

Big boi, father admin of lingboytrevand titty titty esso

hey father mcchow, ur bad at fortnite

by bongtrong October 8, 2018

worst father

Troy Guild

Troy Guild is the worst father

by Thetruthforyall March 21, 2018


When a man gives a fatherly role and a woman falls in love but here rejected.

"Dude, I had to "Father-Zone" Samantha last night. It was brutal"

by Carl Bismarck September 27, 2021

Father hen

A skinny super goodlooking man who is a kind hearted hard working father.

Have you seen father hen today? He’s super skinny!

by onlytruefactsbytheoneandonly August 26, 2021

A disappointed father

A sexual revenge act

When you can never impress your father, or get his love. So you sleep with all of his friends and coworkers. Taking the love and joy from him, that he has taken from you.

When you have a disappointed father there is only one thing you can do. Have an orgy with all of his friends and send him the video.

by Daddydamon94 June 27, 2019


missing a father

used often as an insult to someone inferior

Phill don’t talk to me you’re literally father-less”
“Sorry master

by nwball December 22, 2021