An alternate term for hacks or cheats in videogames. Used exclusively by omegachads.
I'm not using cheats, just making the most of my epic gamer pack.
Someone who claims to be a gamer, however, all he does that is game related is play free-to-play iPhone games. He probably doesn't own any form of gaming console. The only game probably plays besides iPhone games is Roblox.
Bill: Hey, want to speed-run the new Mario Game?
Chris: Sure!
WIlliam: Hey guys! I got this new cool iPhone game!
Bill: Shut the fuck up, Wlliam! You are such an iPhone Gamer!
1. (Plural Noun) Bruised, broken, or aching hands from punching, slapping, and generally hitting a desk out of anger. It is a sign of a devout gamer.
“Ouch, I’ve got a serious case of gamer hands”
When you’re a gamer and you have some degree of fat.
That dude that ruined Warcraft for the kids on South Park was gamer fat.
An overweight female gamer who tends to be generally ugly and looks like they've taken a bath in fried chicken grease.
John: Did you see Merridian's new Instagram post ?
Jack: Yeah she's so fat, she's like a Hippo Gamer
The wave that forms on your hair when you're wearing headphones.
Sometimes known as a headphone line
Gamer 1: dude you got a gamer wave
Gamer 2: really bro, I was gaming all night
When you get so mad that you start saying slurs, like a gamer would, which is where the name comes from
Gamer: @&$##@& #@$@$&@$ @$#&@
Person: Wow, you getting gamer mad with those slurs.