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hieni hopper

a slang term used in the 1970s for a homosexual male

My dad still calls gay people "hieni hoppers," he's so out of it.

by camelhumpsgmoney March 12, 2009

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crotch hoppers

Crab-like creatures that infest ones scrotum and cause severe itching.

Dude, my crotch hoppers were wild last night.

by Jon Rhodes June 20, 2005

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hoppers crossing

hole. hole. hole. IT'S A FUCKING HOLE! It's right fucking next to shit fucking creek, for fucks fucking sake! I mean, fucking come on.

Hoppers girl: hI i LiVe In HoPpErZ cRoSsInG oMgZ i'M kEwL
Normal girl: Fuck off, you fucking monkey fucker.

by Fuck you. February 25, 2004

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brown hopper

Take a shit and put it in the freezer 6-12 hours before feces is probable. Remove feces from freezer. Have your person of choice (female in this writers mind) bend over naked spreading their butt cheeks. Promptly lubricate the other persons brown eye, align the feces for entry and shove until completely disappeared into the persons rear. Allow the feces to thaw, than lead your partner to the toilet, while they are evacuating your feces have them preform fellatio on you. If freezing is a non option for your partner the use of a piping bag is acceptable.

When my girlfriend said she wanted to experience a brown hopper, I thought it was gross at first but after words we both decided she needed pooindahole every night.

by pooindahole April 27, 2011

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clod hopper

farmercowboyhickrural person
A person who has to walk over plowed fields to get somewhere.

Gee, the way Frank is dressed, lools like a clod hopper from west Kansas!

by Sodbuster November 28, 2004

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homie hopper

a girl that dates a guy, brake up with him, and dates alot of his friends. if the girl waits for a month and then dates the friend, she is not a homie hopper.

kenzie dated eric, then ben, then louis, and now darrel. what a stupid slut/ homie hopper!

by Ben Copeland June 21, 2006

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Wagon Hopper

two face, undecided, wishy-washy, to choose the most convenient side

person 1: yo ma fave nba basketball team are the chicago bulls...

person 2: damn foreal !?! they outta the playoffs

person1: fuck dat! im wit mavs now!


person 2: dude, i saw the game last nite and yah team lost

person1: wft! mavs lost !?! hell no im wit the lakers now!

person 2: U sum Wagon Hopper. Whoever wins ur on dat.

by chikaFina April 30, 2010

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