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I'm 40

When you finally turn 40 and there is no mid-life crisis, no gray hairs, no gut, no kids, no baby's daddy.... I'm 40, nice.

I live at the beach with my dog, work from home, and I got 99 problems but age ain't one... I'm 40 yo!

by GlazeHer October 16, 2021

i'm glitching

A way of saying you're nervous or spaztic to the extent you cannot compile your thoughts.

Almost like a brain fart or something of that type, just more because of nerves.

Also similar to Spazzing.

A state of nervous excitement.

Dude I'm glitching I don't even know what to say. I think everything for the audition went great, but... I just don't know what to say I'm so nervous and excited.

by Roy G. Biv X February 5, 2018

I'm poking that

Expression is used when a person as an alternative to "I'm hitting that."

When you see a girl you're poking on facebook walk by, and you say to your friend "I'm poking that".

by PandaMama January 16, 2012

I'm A Problem

Someone who performs exceedingly well in competitions resulting in competitors feeling inadequate.

Used as a term of endearment.

I'm a bit of a problem
I'm being a bit problematic

I'm a problem on the icerink

by ManPadAndHisCore May 21, 2022

I'm hatin' it

A counterpart of the fast food chain slogan, "i'm lovin' it".

"This nagget not yummy!
I'm hatin' it!

by WatatenMyanee August 24, 2017

I'm hot

angry at something

My boss was such an asshole at work today. He made me work overtime! I'm hot.

by Dewiz June 27, 2022

i'm sorry but no

when a girl says this, shes really saying, FUCK YOU, NO, EWWWW, IF YOU EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN, I'LL BITCH SLAP YOU TO HELL!

Guy: Do you want to go out with me?

Girl: (as she pulls out a gun and points it at the guys head) I'm sorry but no.

by RentForFree2790 January 15, 2005

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