A diploma or certificate you receive from a post secondary institution thus enabling you to get on with your life and drive one's proverbial car.
"After getting his paper keys from University he went on to..."
Ass Paper is commonly referred to as "toilet paper", or "bath tissue". There is no difference. However, the term "Ass Paper" is actually the correct word to describe what it's used for. Toilet paper can be misleading, some can assume you use toilet paper to clean the toilet. Bath tissue can be used to clean the bathtub. Ass Paper can only be used to clean your asshole after you take a shit.
Hey, we're out of Ass Paper again.
geez i'm on the toilet I could use some Ass Paper!
Paper poke is a paper bag.
My grandpa uses a paper poke to carry his groceries.
My ereader battery died so I had to read a paper kindle.
A joint so big it looks like the size of the Sunday paper.
Damn Chaz that's a huge Sunday paper
An Old Bully. A Blowhard. Kind of like a "Paper Tiger" but who has held the position for a lot longer. Kinda like in the movie Friday where Craig beats Deebo's ass but with his fists and not a gun. A person or state who everyone has been afraid of for years and years and finally gets their ass totally handed to them. In a word; Russia!
Man, how about this whole Russian invasion of Ukraine? Russia is a getting a total smack-down, Bro! Looks like Russia is really just a Paper Bear!