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Jinx! Blackout! You owe me a soda!

When you say the same thing at the same time as someone else, you can say jinx. If you say jinx first the other person can’t talk unless you say their name 3 times. Sometimes, they can talk, they just owe you something. So this phrase came along. I’m not sure we’re the blackout part came from. So when you say jinx first, instead of making someone silent, you can say Jinx! Blackout! You owe me a soda! And yeah, they owe you a soda. Sometimes people will say a variant of this where they say Jinx! You owe me a Coke!

Person 1 and Person 2:Hey!
Person 1:Jinx! Blackout! You owe me a soda!
Person 2:Hey! Ugh…*gives them a Coke*

by IDK.WHAT.TO.NAME.ME.876 May 29, 2023

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Do you want me to walk you back?

When a female wants to let you know that she knows that you like her and she wants to let you know you’re in the friendzone.

Sorry about that Captain.

Guy> Hey (Girl’s name).

Girl> Hey (Friendzoned guys name), Do you want me to walk you back?

by FrostDont@Me June 19, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž




by RA OUGN RAAAAAAAA March 24, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

You, Me, Gas Station

The most fucked up fever dream you will ever have.

Person 1: Hey dude. You, Me, Gas Station?
Person 2: YOU, ME, GAS STATION. What are we getting for dinner? SUSHI OF COURSE! UH OH, there was a roofie inside of our gas station sushi. We black out and wake up in a sewer, we're surrounded by fish, HORNY FISH, you know what that means! FISH ORGY! The stench draws in a bear, what are we gonna do? We're gunna fight it, bear fight, bear handed, bear... naked? OH YES PLEASE. We befriend the bear after we beat it in a brawl, then we ride it into a Chuck E Cheese, dance dance revolution. REVOLUTION? OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT? UHHH, I THINK SO. Next thing you know, I'm reincarnated as Jesus Christ, then I turn into a jet, fly into the sun, black out AGAIN, wake up, do a bump, WHITE OUT which I didn't know you could do, then I smoked a joint, GREENED OUT, THEN I TURNED INTO THE SUN, AND UH OH! LOOKS LIKE THE METH IS KICKING IN! PLAHFHAAOPOAHJHASFOFAPALOAOFLAOFFALFHRHRAHROAHAHHAHRHARHAHHAHAHHAHEHAHA

by The Partygoers! June 20, 2021

496πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

You dey whine me

An exclamation for "are you being serious" in a jokingly or non joking manner depending on mannerisms and tone, sometimes condescending.

Popular amongst Nigerians

Jake asked me to be his girlfriend, you dey whine me!

by vibesonvibes May 10, 2022

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

You don't know me

"You don't know me" is an incredibly brilliant statement that you can resort to when Mr. Jack Daniels is making it harder for you to say things that make sense.

Cop: Sir, have you been drinking tonight?
Me: You don't know me.

by S4lutDude! December 29, 2010

160πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

you me carpark now

Words (often used in Australia) used to affirm (or sometimes indicate) intentions of concluding an argument outside, usually with fists. Since alcohol-fueled arguments generally take place in crowded hotels, many fights are taken outside to the hotel's parking lot to minimise harm to bystanders and reduce the number of potential witnesses.

Often synonymous with the american phrase "let's take this outside" in relation to fighting words.

Also the name of a segment on the show "Blokesworld" relating to self-defence in the event of a fight.

Person 1: You've been pissin me off all night - you wanna step outside?
Person 2: I'm up for it bitch - you me carpark now!

by gibbo67 May 18, 2006

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