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A fine ass female, with fat juicy booty. She is what all the older niggas want. Get yourself a jasmine, you won’t regret it

Damn look at “Jasmine’s” ass

Damn “jasminelooks hot asf

by Princess432 April 25, 2020

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A flower scent that brings all the boys to the yard

Jasmine is selling like crazy!
That hoe is wearing Jasmine!
Jasmine is wearing Jasmine!


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Jasmine is a beautiful light skin girl with gorgeous hazel eyes and smart funny ,smart,chill and she can dance ,sing and act and take pictures anybody would be glad to have Jasmine as there own and she has beautiful curly hair and she so

hyper active and enjoys being with family and friends and she loves social media and loves chocolate

Jasmine is fine asffffff

by Jasmine roe April 18, 2018

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She's that type of girl that's actually 4ft tall and addicted to nicotine. She has BDE and acts like the shit. Insult her and you will 100% get flicked off. She'll be the reason everyone gets mono. However, you don't have to look for anyone else if you need alcohol. There's a good chance she looks like yoda or E.T.

bruh 1: Yo is that Jasmine?

bruh 2: Hey Yass, where's the nicotine?
Jasmine: OH FUCK YOU 🖕

by 69_pu$$y_slayer December 10, 2019

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Ok so a jasmine is an annoying maggot that will never mind her own business. she will add her 2 cents where it is not wanted and she has an opinion on everyone jasmines are people who no one likes

and they are normally easy.
they are Burnett fat blobs of fat

jasmine: you look so ugly today
me: okay
everyone:*laughing at jasmine*

by you got it guys! x kt June 9, 2023

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A very pretty girl

Bro Jasmine’s hot!

by Jobo360 February 26, 2019

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She is quite stubborn but is very open with her friends and let's loose but keeps any secrets to herself. She has great friends and family. She is insecure about whether she is strong or just a mess but that doesn't keep her from building up her self-esteem and confront her challenges. She is above average smart and is fairly beautiful. Not many people know that she is the shield between them and those she cares about and is overprotective at times but will be there for her friends. She has multiple personalities that she has for every person or object but two personalities she has the most is a fun,childish,kind and confident personality then her other is insecure, challenging,loud and terrifying but that's mostly for people she hates.

Boy:Jasmine can be childish and annoying but the next shes the most serious person out there and can become fascinating.
Girl:Jasmine always looking out for me

by Cats4Days April 21, 2019

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