Source Code

literally just an a

it’s a fucking a


literally just an a

by give me vagina June 25, 2022

A Literal Piece of Lettuce

When you make a borderline racist joke that people of said race find funny, but your teacher finds out, you are a literal piece of lettuce.

*teacher uncomfortably close*

"Are you a literal piece of lettuce?"
"What?? Of course not! I didn't make that joke!"

by Ppgripper69420 January 12, 2021

a literal shitter

flex AKA muwap or cntrl

bro flex is a literal shitter ong. nigga faked cancer yikes💀 he gets no bitches

by okok221 January 29, 2022

I'm literally Bat-Man

Someone who deeply believes they're Bat-Man.

''Bro I'm literally Bat-Man.''

by JR2082 October 17, 2023

Balls literally in the gate

A saying associated with the mental illness caused from playing the hit RPG Baldurs Gate 3. The subject experiences daily uncontrollable urges to play Baldurs Gate 3 for long hours or else they will experience body pains akin to that of testicular torsion.

I dont want to talk about it, my balls literally in the gate. (After spending 11 hour session rushing Act 1)

by WeBallersGate January 15, 2024

Literal Dick

Someone who uses words at there most literal meaning to in an argument or debate or discussion to be a dick when they know someone is using a word in a general sense.

You know what I ment when I said your an ass, I didn't mean your a body part. So stop being a literal Dick

by DruDisKils88 September 13, 2022

Literal Chad


Wow look at that Literal Chad Over there I think their name is Zenspex!

by Street Poet LT January 14, 2022