When a female puts 2 AA batteries up her vagina and rubs her feet on carpet vigorously to create an electric charge causing stimulation
That moist battery was intense last night
something that is so moist that it is delicious
bob: oh heck, my cake is too moist to eat. im angery
joe: take a chill pill, it can still be good.
bob: (tries it)
bob: how deliciously moist
When a woman's vagina contains so much semen that it appears to be a a double layered cake.
Man 1- " Did you see that nude girl that just ran by"
Man 2- " I sure did, man did she have a Moist Muffcake
When your scared to lose your virginity
A girl asked me to come to her place i rejected because im anti-moist
A lazer, when fired, moistens the target on contact.
“These socks are really starchy, can you give them a shot with your Lazer of Moist please?”
Turns off adult filter in search engine
Opens sock
“Aaah Like a glove”
When your sweating in bed and it’s cold wen you leave the bed. This can also descried the cold air during sex
Damn girl, do y’all feel that cold moist in your ass?
When you cum all over you're dick and then rub it on a chick making her all nice and moist.
Oh Henry , I hope you're getting ready to make me nice and moist!