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Never ending story

When you grab that fresh pair of undies and later you find yo girls hair wrapped around yo nut sack or stuck in your butthole after a crap

Dude I took such a great crap and when I went to wipe I caught this hair that seemed to be the never ending story coming from my butthole and nut sack

by Njsurfer80 February 10, 2019

Never ending story

โ€œNever Ending Storyโ€

When you take a sticky shit and keep wiping till the toilet paper is almost gone.

Went to the club last night couldnโ€™t leave till two. Got stuck in the bathroom with a never ending story.

by Flaming hoe Cheeto February 27, 2019


Somthing you say when someone test's your gangster demenor or trys to suggest that you are less of a man than they are.

Them boys tryed to jump me....i had to show them I NEVER DID PLAY

by MZBIGBOOTY216 September 23, 2009

You will never be a god

Loki's last words before Thanos snapped his fucking neck.

When Loki said, "you will never be a god" in infinity war, I wanted to kill Thanos.

by Killmepleaserightnow September 27, 2018

Never Nut November

There is a prophecy that on November 2069, Never Nut November will occur. In Never Nut November, if you nut, watch porn (Gay or Not), masturbate, or moan, you and your entire family get gunned down by a S.W.A.T. team.

A: Are you participating in Never Nut November
B: F*ck yes I am, I don't give a shit about life or death
A: I've prepared the non-nut cream, want some?
B: Nah, Imma survive on my own

by FuckYouAndYourPetCat112 November 3, 2021

I never lie

They are most likely lying

"Bro I never lie trust me"

by OctoboiYT November 11, 2021

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elephant never forgets

Joke term used when someone remebers something very well that they would not be expected to.

MRX:"I'm now fucking your sister"

MRD: Didn't you say she was a frigid lesbian bitch once? Someone who you wouldn't ever sleep with unless you suddenly wanted to get an std?

MRG: I remember him saying that-how did you remember- i thought we were all drunk

MRD: An elephant never forgets.

by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004

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