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dis funny song will make u laugh
Improv funny means a person not actually being able to tell jokes but still is amusing to people who the said person is in conversation with , i.e. make the conversation funny through his or her talking skills but is never deemed funny by a whole audience .
That English guy wants to be a comedian , but I don't think he's even improv funny
(Fun-E-pranks) funny pranks is when you tell or act a joke or prank that you know nobody else will think is funny (ex. 911,the haloucaust)
Referring to Amogus.
Yet another misspelling of Among Us, just slightly altered.
Me: funny mogus
Some stranger: man, shut up. amogus is dead.
When your friend tries to be funny, but says something so stupid and unfunny, or a joke that has been overused way too much that you have to award him with a point.
Person 1: what’s nine plus ten?
Person 2: twent-
Person 1: JOE MAMA
Person 2: wow bro. really funny. you’ve earned a funny point.
Finding something funny, completely forgetting about it, then re-experiencing it and finding it funny all over again.
You read a funny text, put your phone down to return to your conversation, and upon finishing your conversation you pick the phone back up and having forgotten all about it, reread it and found it re-funny.
When one of your testicles hangs dreadfully lower than the other like a chewed piece of bubblegum flapping in the wind.
I was playing in a game and got hit right in the nads with a fast ball, now I have funny balls.
I was hangin at the nursing home and half the dudes there got a mad case of the funny balls.