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The stupid, putsy, short half mohawk seen on usually well to do poser punks/poser rockers. usually accompanied by an unshaven face, a bitchy expression, flamboyant spittings, forced gangster jive walk, slumping black denim pants, and new oversize t-shirt in red or white with some swirly, pre cracked dragon, religious, skater, or motorcycle design. people with lame-ohawks litter, smoke, and act rude because they think it's badass.

(Guy with lame-ohawk walks around thinking,'i'm so fucking badass littering and shit...i'm such a rebel.)

me:get over yourself, idiot.

by Andariel The Cool December 3, 2009

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awesomely lame

Something or someone so lame that it's awesome.

Person 1: you are awesomely lame
Person 2: that's not a word
Person 1: yea it is, it just means that you're so lame it's awesome.

by Joyval March 6, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Global Laming

The fictitious and nondescript effect of too much smug in the atmosphere. Smug is caused by humans who, among other things, love the smell of their own farts because they drive hybrid cars.

Coined in South park when Kyle's dad thinks he is ahead of the curb than the other residents of south park because he buys a Hybrid.

Guy: Stop acting like such a smug bastard just because you own a hybrid car.
Hybrid Owner: Unlike you I'm trying to protect the earth rather than destroy it. *Smells his own fart*
Guy: That couldn't be further from the truth, global laming is far worse that global warming.

by OKay12 July 30, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

lame punks

people who get tiny mohawks, listen to good charlotte and claim they're punk.
sometimes claim to listen to real punk (clash/pistols) but have no clue.

lame fake punk: hey man i love punk music like the offspring, good charlotte and blink182, fuck yeah!

Flop: B'z up, im bloods although i live in australia! i own this city.

punk: Fuck Off.

by betty November 17, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


a lame person?

manjinder is sucha lame-O!

by hardkaur February 11, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lame ass

A bitch, someone that is really annoying, doesnt stop bitching about something stupid. Drags people to American Idol that dont want to go. someone that has Saggy Boobs and her nick names are Lame ass, bitch face, cunt mouth 2, saggy sue. and her kids are known as shit fucks, and vaginia fingers.
also lame ass is known as sue.. Sue is a bitch that no one likes, she doesnt take responsiblity for her own kids she has someone that doesnt like her that wants to move out and tries to never be home, be the responsiblity for her kids

Siggy-"I cant believe lame ass dragged you to american idol."
Dave- " If i didnt go she would have kicked me out."

by Siggy Pollard September 25, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lame-metal is simply metal made by 'musicians' for the sole purpose of being metal. There is often little or no emotion or message shown in each song, other than the fact that they want to be known as people who don't give any fucks and hate the world.

HOWEVER, there are good bands consisting of members who; 1) actually don't give any fucks, or 2) do hate the world.

The difference is that when properly used, these characteristics can be used as inspiration for an artist; but when a regular Joe gets the same thoughts with all his friends and they want to make music about it, they use no effort. No matter how good it sounds, they just want to say that they actually did something with their lives (lol).

Lame-metal bands are usually just douchebags trying to get chicks, and play shows as often as they can, starting as soon as they form. By flaunting whatever fashion they think will get them the most attention, performing 'breakdowns' that aren't at all musical, and screaming and acting reckless in general to show their aggression, they earn the title of Lame-metal.

There are also Lame-metal bands with older members, but they're mostly just drunks paying homage to Pantera, or something along those lines. Usually only seen in bars, these bands are harmless to the music world, and actually somewhat beneficial (to the other drunks in the bar watching them).

Lame-metal bands almost never record albums; the ones that do are rich motherfuckers that get their parents to pay for it.

Andre: Hey man, I'm going home to listen to my new Diabolical Masquerade CD, wanna come?

Kevin: Nah dude, there's a Bring Me The Horizon concert tonight, aren't you going? There's gonna be a bunch of chicks, and the band is dressing up like Gumby characters, it's gonna be so BRUTAL!!

Andre: Uh... That's lame-metal man, never speak to me again. *cough cough* I mean, shit, I have stuff to do, bring some extra chicks home with you and call me when you get back.


by UV \m/ August 1, 2011

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