A One Eyed Pirate is when one female/homosexual gets their partners semen in either of their eyes.
"Man, i really made Sally a one eyed pirate last night."
"Are you going to show her your one eyed purple headed womb weasel tonight "
"You're a One eyed purple head womb weasel "
A dick seeking the love of a vagina, aka monkey.
1. This one eyed monkey lover is hungry for some action.
2. My one eyed monkey lover is pointing your direction.
A guy with a huge penis and is a badass motherfucker.
He's such a one - eyed monster Nicholas
Mia Khalifa: Have you heard that Nicholas has a one - eyed monster
Shrek: What's that
Mia Khalifa: He has a huge Penis
Shrek: I want that
A guy who blew one side of his head off with a shotgun.
DoD you see the one eyed monster on rotten.com? Half his face and head was missing.
This is when a person feels like the have a headache on only one side of the head, particularly felt on top of the eye or on the eyebrow.
person one: whats wrong?
person two: Dude I have this horrible headache, but its only one side!!
person one: oh, you must have a one-eyed headache.