To describe ideas / ideologies that sexualise and sexually exploit human beings
The lgbtqi+ community have very pervertative ideologies
Everything and anything that makes one think perverted thoughts.
That hot guy is such a pervertative!!!
Used as both a noun and a verb, A term used to describe one way the wealthy behave regarding money. They view money as a simple disposable commodity because of the amount they’ve acquired.
Despite the fact they can modestly buy a quality product that will last, they’ll simply spend on the first cheapest item they see in a lazy attempt to “save money” rather than acknowledging or appreciating the wealth they have. They’ll spend on small extravagant things all the time such as expensive scented soaps, and because the size of the product is small, they can use their flawed logic to justify the purchase. When a purchase that needs to be done is a little more expensive, such as buying a new router, they’ll find the first cheap one on Amazon with an ok rating claiming that it’ll help save money, which it won’t in the long run.
These kinds of people often claim that they don’t have much and need to spend wisely, especially to appear more modest to others. They’ll continue living a pseudo-poverty lifestyle without putting in the effort to realize their priorities are in the wrong place. People who live this lifestyle often also act confused or disappointed in those with less income who spend more for quality items since they refuse to understand the alternative perspective.
Essentially, they’re an adult flavor of spoiled rich silver-spoon brat.
Billy was ashamed to invite his friends over because his parents lived in perverted poverty; he didn’t want people to think he would gloat his money just because his parents didn’t appreciate their wealth.
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Simply put a word or phrase in the ENTIRE EXHAUSTIVE usage that can be subverted and/or perverted.
Testimony to as never hurts.
Definition of subvert
transitive verb. MERIAM WEBSTER CREDIT
1: to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : RUIN, DESTROY
2: to pervert or corrupt by an undermining of morals, allegiance, or faith.
The telling me and " CAN YOU HEAR THEM, TALKING ABOUT YOU" as by away from you "G0SSIP is happening and you can find them fast as just say GO PISS as everybody around you who are indulgent on the GOGO TOLK (interpretation) have had been SUBVERTED into the PERVERTED VERBAL ENLIGHTENMENT as an amazing VERBAL EVENT.
Is it so bad to stop the DESTROY by using PERVERTED VERBAL ENLIGHTENMENT and hit the STY RODE on the PYRONES farm between SPAIN AND FRANCE and truly study the ODOR that emanates from there.
The term “Queer Pervert” may be used as someone who is to “queer” for their being and/or being way to totten.
“She was being a Queer Pervert today and i felt like it wasn’t a good influence on me.”
A person with a group of friends who's so... Call it be on the same page of dirty jokes. So, the perverted activities...
Being defined as Pervertivities "The dirtier the better and the more the banter back and forth."
Also known as the soul patch, mouche, or jazz dab, the Pervert’s Apron is a small strip of hair underneath the lip on an otherwise clean shaven face. A moustache is however permitted, which the completes the Pervert’s Apron and Pervert’s Umbrella Combo.
I have gone down a strange internet hole looking at celebrity Pervert’s Aprons.