Shocking/exciting/good thing. associated with mcyt (minecraft youtubers) like tommyinnit.
wilbur blowing up l'manburg was not very pog. tommyinnits laugh is very pog. lgbtq is pog.
Slang term. An acronym of "play of the game" a term coined by multiplayer games such as overwatch. In the context of the game, it shows a good "play" from the game round where a player exhibits great skill.
In the "pog" form, the word can mean something that is good or something that exhibits positive energy. A person that achieves something notable can be a "pogchamp".
" Yo dude, I nutted right in her eye. That shit was pog!"
pog actually means "play of the game" but is instead used in livestreams.
tommyinit:clutches with a water bucket chat:POG!
something that is cool or good (mostly used by the twitch community)
That stream was very pog