Someone who is more successful because of their appearance and beauty.
She has pretty privilege and gets what she wants.
an advantage given to one at birth that gives said person an advantage in life
"that rich kid is so privileged"
A collection of Karens who have banded together for some bullshit reason under the misinformed belief that they are being discriminated against.
Uh oh, a privilege of Karens wants to speak to the manager about being discriminated against for not wearing masks during a pandemic.
What white people and their simps and imps use to protect covert narcissm and sociopathy so they can keep performing emotional and physical incest
Donald Trump and Pence like to use their privilege on children thru hook ups like Jeffery Epstein
Seeing how over half of your gross wage goes away in taxes to pay for someone else’s “free” education, healthcare and welfare whilst not enjoying any of those “freebies” yourself.
Breanna (formerly Tim): Oh my gosh! The free healthcare system has been so supportive with my gender reassignment: 2 years’ worth of HRT and psychological consultation, top and bottom surgery and 2 more years of follow up consultation…all for freeee
Joe: *rolls eyes* I was at work while you were doing all of that, eventually got a rotten tooth and had to pay 5k for the implant…I’m so privileged.
Frank: I had to take a payday loan at a 300% APR when my car broke down and needed to fix it to keep going to work while not getting evicted, I’m sooo privileged too.
Five minutes before closing time, a large privilege came in and ordered 17 plates of boneless wings and had the nerve to tell me they were all under-cooked.
Karen by herself is bad enough, but imagine having to deal with a privilege of 4 Karens.