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Rosie day

A day to celebrate my friend bc she's the best person in this world !

Random person: Today is Rosie day (14th of December)
Other rp: what's that?
Random person: it's the day to celebrate Rosie (thegriftersgf) for being an amazing friend!
Other rp: That makes sense!

by Pixel.com September 6, 2021

Freckle-Faced Rosie

A tasty Red IPA at Lupulin Brewing.

Can I get a 10 oz Freckle-Faced Rosie?

by July 9, 2021

Retard Rosie

Some girl named retard Rosie who has a obsession with Billie eyelash

Her: I live Billie eyelash
Me:what if you fought her stalking you.

Her: I’d be jumping with joy telling her I love her
Me: I told you retard Rosie had a weird obsession with Billie eyelash. Though Billie is good at singing, so is twenty one pilots you should check them out to see a beautiful bean and a beautiful drummer any way if one of them was stalking me I’d be scared. Because I’m not retard rosie

by Chicken hole November 27, 2019

Rosie Wilson

Rosie Wilson is an absolute brilliant character, if you buy her anything she won't repay you in materialistic things but rather with compassion. She is a shit lier, n tells the most cheesiest jokes and laughs at the most stupidest things. She loves St Bernards and Chinchillas. She normally will have a dad the doesn't shit sitting down rather hovering above the surface. Rosie Wilson will have a messy room that is sometimes clean and at most 4 fruit fly's in it. But all round Rosie Wilson is the most cuddliest girl, the most funniest, smartest and the most gorgeous round town. If you ever meet Rosie Wilson you better cherish it coz it could be your last.

P.S She has the best dog in the entire universe called Millie.

"Wow have you seen Rosie Wilson she's not all there"

by Sambo Of The Dunne December 6, 2021

Rosie Boone

Someone who is amazing in every single way.

Person 1: “Who is that amazing bitch, right there?!”
Person 2: “Well, that is Rosie Boone!”

by Lionmanedudesuckswillay January 16, 2024


A phrase that can be used to describe a person that is welling up with tears

I was reading a sad poem to Charlie and he had a Rosie-Moment

by Bluemoon2017 October 28, 2017

Rosie Chelsea

She's a Spanish-white chili pepper. Very sweet most of the time except for when she isn't. Be careful, she's an undercover freak.

Small and boutique but she seems to appreciate a big juicy cock. If you pay attention you could catch her staring and day dreaming about who knows what on your junk. Only if your packing.

I caught 3 girls pulling a Rosie Chelsea at my dock today. These jeans might be too tight for me.

by Peepgame December 13, 2024