Repetitive overcommunication between individuals.
Billy, are you done sharing panties with Dave yet?
Sharee is an influencer on an app called tik tok, theyre @ is
Example "sharee is the best tik toker"
1. A curse and a gift given to people with powers to share their 5 senses with other people from a remote location.
I don't mean to be rude, Sharee, but your onion dip breath is in my mouth right now and whoever you are, please stop thinking about me until you brush your teeth or gargle with bleach.
A female with multiple boyfriends who end up sharing her. Female player
Denise has so many boyfriends we all call her Sharee.
Dude, You're screen sharing to the TV.
The act of 2 women sharing one man without any jealousy
Hey do you mind boyfriend sharing with me since I have no date tonight?
It is a catchphrase made by Syafinaz Binte Zainal and I think I am working harder for money. It is my secret or not so secret maybe.
Should I share? My dad wants me to marry Kris Wu because he is a rich guy but I got no money hehe.