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not for the shits

1: a phrase used by someone declining or calling out the bullshit they're being told,


2: another way to say "don't complicate something/give it to me straight"


3: similarly to use 2, it also could be used as a replacement for "not my problem.

example 1: DUDE DID YOU TAKE MY FUCKING WALLET?? - "dude im not for the shits, go harass someone else"

example 2: I like this girl but she likes this other guy and now this other girls flirting with me, what do I do? "fuck that, i'm not for the shits, figure it out on your own"

example 3: okkk so idk if I like u or not but I might like u but IDKKKK. "im not for the shits, youve been unsure for 3 days, ive been patient long enough"

by akuralis August 1, 2023

Is that shit?

The one phrase no owner wants to hear when their dog is in someones house.

Drew: so ladys this is my room.
Quanteshia:Is that shit??
Drew: *Facepalm*

by D1Z3W April 20, 2010


crap, poop, feces, waste from the body that cannot be used for energy.
Just wanted to add another type of shit to the shit list:
the cannon shit:
when the pressure of a fart behind the shit, shoves the shit out your ass, like a cannon.

The Mile long shit: when a shit is so big, you wonder how it fit in your rectum.

Person A: "Awww man! I just took a cannon shit!"

Person B: "nice"

Person A: " I just took a mile long shit!"

Person B: "How does that fit inside you??

by JetsetRM August 19, 2008

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the shits

burning, explosive diarrhea.

I shouldn't have ate Indian food before i had anal sex. I had a bad case of the shits all over his peenieweenie!

by Nicolley August 2, 2006

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the shit

above and beyond outstanding.

baby, if beauty was stink, you'd be the shit.

by hannibal lickter April 2, 2009

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No shit

Obvious statements or answers

Brain: Hey Eric is that bitch old man Donald trump President

Eric: No shit sounds like u been living under a rock

by his girl is awesome June 3, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

on shit

see 'on piss...'

We're on shit, we're on piss...

by DemBwoyPaigons May 17, 2017

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