Soneone who thinks they are brilliant, well spoken and smooth when drunk, who in fact is not. Even when faced with cold hard facts and evidence of their shitty drunkenness whether it be pictures, witnesses, or broken things, will make excuses and justify their shitty drunken behavior, and continue to be shitty drunks.
Dooshbag, shit, faced, nightmare, my, bf, unfortunately
He was such a shitty drunk, he vowed he would never leave me and then tried to wrestle me, got me in a headlock and then stumbled to the bathroom to vomit.
when said wrong word at wrong time
that was a shitty word at the funeral.
The act off pooping in the bathtub
Unfortunate accident bathtub shitty duck poop
An exclamation of shock, disgust or anger. Like "Fuck!" but a lot more original and creative.
*trousers fall down* "shitty titties, not again!"
a word used to express anger at something when it goes wrong
(just stood in dog shit) 'ohh shitty bollocks'
So you go to wendy's, the 2 quarters you get in change are shitty pennies