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dingaling slinged

A term in which a man slaps himself with his own dick usually when doing a helicopter or if a woman grabs it and slaps his inner thigh

"Honey you've just been dingaling slinged"

by Slingingmudd October 3, 2019

Boom Slinging

The act of Brutally Luthering someone with playing cards making them explode if the touch "the water"

I'm boom Slinging my sibling because the broke my ipad

by RoseRed669 January 22, 2023

sling hoe

A girl or women who gets passed around or jumps to from guy to guy

Bitch you a sling hoe mess with them niggas

by Theonlytruething July 5, 2017


"blatantly throwing ones sexual favors in the general direction of another"

"i was literally sling-shotting _myself_ at him."

by kayla M. May 1, 2007

Sling Pea

1. A plant from Plants vs. Zombies 2 which catapults out 5 peas at zombies closest to your lawn on the left, but has full range and takes sometime to unload the peas out for maximum burst damage.

2. (Jocular or Informal) A wicked or foolhardy person.

"My Sling Peas are doing so good at taking down Zombies when I spam this fella on the battlefield!"

"Stop acting like a sling pea!"

by Otheruser325 January 21, 2023

sloth sling

When you're so blazed you feel like climbing a tree.

He was so smoked up he had to sloth sling!

by Hash Purple February 7, 2018

Sling some yoghurt on

Originally from Drawn Together, To Ejaculate on something

Sure it goes without saying I wasn't about to sling some yoghurt on an unconscious womans feed

by Snode February 19, 2023