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Show Business

Show business is a vernacular term for the business of entertainment. It tends to refer to the agents, managers, production and distribution companies that are in the business of entertainment; it can also include the artists and performers involved. It applies to all aspects of live 'shows', from cinema to television to theater to music.

There's no business like show business

by Romolo November 1, 2005

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Business Voice

Speaking differently than how you would ever sound in any other setting while at work, usually deeper and with greater voice infliction. You may think you sound distinquished but it comes across as over the top to whoever you are speaking to.

Ash- Why are you speaking on the phone to clients like that?

Mike- Dude, that's my business voice.

by White BBQ May 24, 2010

13👍 4👎

squeezing business

taking a large shit.
out of your asshole.

dude i have the runs and i'm squeezing business!

by eeea July 2, 2008

Business Ginger

A person with red hair in the pubic region or other inconspicuous areas (arm pits, chest, or legs and arms), but not on their scalp or face.

When someone enters an interview or social circles and does not have red hair, however the hair on the rest of their body is red. Similar to a business tattoo, being a Business Ginger means that someone can hide their red hair.

by The Euchre Circle Jerk November 11, 2013

I’m busy

Laying in bed doing nothing

Person 1: hey you want to come over

Person 2: sorry I can’t I’m busy

Person 1: ok that’s fine

by Vacuum March 22, 2019


To be busy while pissed off.

Danny: Lynn, you sound busy

Lynn: Yes I am Pissy

Danny: No I said Busy not Pissy. Pissy-Busy that's a cool phrase.

Lynn: We should coin it.

by Kevin Redmile September 13, 2007

business bone

A sexual encounter that is done for either career advancement or networking purposes

Did you sleep that with that ugly PR girl last night?

Well... yeah dude, but it was strictly a business bone. I wanted to make a connection with one of her clients.

by Rippin and Tearin January 12, 2011