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Tired Hungry

When you keep getting hungry from staying up late

Do I really keep getting tired hungry?

by happy love star August 27, 2016

Hungry Steve

another name for a vagina

Hey baby, how about we get sexy and let me see that hungry Steve?

by rangergaming457 September 17, 2021

people hungry

A term used for people who love to meet new people...
An exact opposite of a voluntary hermit...

Some travellers are just too damn people hungry!
Some travel because they are people hungry.

by Sunnybir January 6, 2007

Hungry Squirrel

Ejaculating on your female companion's chest, and then make her consume this "chest nut".

I gave my girlfriend a hungry squirrel last night, it was nuts.

by Buff Man Squilliam April 24, 2019

Hungry Tail

someone who come into yo house an eat up all the food or someone constantly eating.

Damn use a hungry tail always eatn my shit

by cmillz56 August 4, 2008

the hungry breath

When you're really hungry and your breath starts to smell like shit, actual shit.

"Dude I'm so hungry right now, my breath smells awful."
"Bro you gut some gnarly the hungry breath!"

by ringusdingus June 9, 2016

Hungry Hands

When you are holding way too many items in your hands.

Danielle got hungry hands as she cleaned out the car.

by Lovedreambelieve June 20, 2022