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Ur a gay gay gay gay.

Hi bozo

by NicholasGH December 3, 2022


a bozo is a dumb and retarded bullshit person that people do not like and call them cringe.

whats the homework today bozo liew kai le

stop calling me a bozo

by barbruhtos June 2, 2022


Someone of having a witty and light personality, like bozo the clown.

That guy, was a really cool bozo.

by CN-71 February 19, 2022


Someone named Camille who is a fool and acts like a buffoon

I was playing overwatch and this bozo can’t play to save her life

by Oddballmemes March 28, 2023


Kyrone Parrot

"This bozo kyrone just ran it down"

by taterz8 July 1, 2023


Bozo is a name that references someone who has the best mom in the world

Hey guys look at this bozo.

by BOZOOOOOOOOOOOOOO August 29, 2021


Probably a person who likes olives on pizza most likely a person who likes pancakes more then waffles

Hey Quandale pancakes or waffles

“Uhh waffles”
Man! Your a “bozo

by Ididntmeanit August 3, 2022