Source Code

Suicide Doors

The act of rolling your shorts into a thong and placing your nuts out of the right side and the ween out of the left side to portray the appearance of a Lamborghini with suicide doors.

Bro, stunt on them; and hit 'em with the suicide doors!

by Petty Officer Kyle November 3, 2020

door gash

The act of using Uber or Lyft to hookup. Especially useful with inflated gas prices and not wanting your fuck buddy to know what you drive.

“I don’t feel like driving to the west side for sex tonight. Maybe ill use door gash”.

by Bojangles Chicken May 15, 2022

the door is that way

when someone says something stupid or does something stupid or says a bad pun

Student 1 which math questions were we supossed to do
Student 2 : It was page 4 but just the c's

Student 3: I could 4c that

Student 1: ok the door is that way

by Thinkingdom October 3, 2019


You put a poster on the door and lick it in a sexual way.

I poster-doored that poster I got yesterday.

by sneakers March 10, 2014

Norman Door

A door that tells you the opposite of what you're supposed to do, or requires a sign to tell you what to do. These doors are very frustrating and can be mistaken many times.

God Dammit Jim! I keep pulling this push door!
Ah yes, that's a Norman door, a real pain in the ass.

by xX_herobrineslayer95_Xx March 21, 2016


In TJOC in the bedroom level is the sound when chika opens the wardrobe behind you

"ayy.. bro be carefull chica door."

by TRAPezitis February 1, 2022

Sure as a door

Being sure as a door is being so sure about something that you will not agree with anything else on that subject

Person 1: Are you sure that you will win the race
Person 2: I’m as sure as a door

by Dodo Chamber November 9, 2018