When someone makes something more difficult then it needs to.
“Shouldn’t this have been done already”
“Sorry we used Andrew Logic so it’s taking longer”
Logic that doesn't exactly make sense to normal people, but it makes sense because Lylah said it.
This Logic may be confusing at times, but in the end, the logic said by Lylah is correct. Just because she said it is.
Lylah: You're gay because I said so.
Person: That doesn't make sense.
Lylah: It doesn't have to, its Lylah Logic.
Plans for your day that ONLY make sense because you aren't ready to get outta bed.
*Alarm clock buzzes at 7am*
Head voice: "I got an 8:00am meeting, but its raining out so no one will show up 'til 8:30 anyway."
*Alarm goes off at 7am*
Head voice: "If I skip the gym this morning I can squeeze it in tonight after monday night football."
I thought I could sleep in yet get to work on time if I dressed down and skipped breakfast. A.M. logic is dangerous.
Making the best out of an F-d up situation.
Always looking at the bright side even when everything seems to be crumbling apart.
An obsured way of being positive through dark humor.
She busted out my car windows so now I don't need to replace my a/c, thats so Forest Logic.
Forest Logic is coming home to four slashed tires and being excited to run to work.
Do you wanna hear some Forest Logic? My family trying to kill me only built character.
Here's some Forest Logic for you. Since I lost my sence of smell. Farts don't bother me.
Getting stabbed only attracted more women thanks to Forest Logic.
Forest Logic is coming home to an eviction notice and being excited to use the new survival pack.
Girl who always swallows shall not be required to clean up future unintended spills.
This is cum logic.
"You've been paying it forward by swallowing, so cum logic absolves you from cleanup this time"
When the need for something is so great a persons decision making processes no longer think of what is happening around them. They only think of the thing they want and how to get it.
This is very common with Alcoholics and Drug Addicts. They will live within a bubble which only allows them to see the things that will allow them more of their addiction.
Bubble Logic is not just about addiction. This can happen with love, lust, needs wants, any desires or thought process which is blinded by that thing they want.
The example below is about an Alcoholic that drinks at work but her bubble does not allow for her to think about the people watching or smelling her.
Kyle : Did you smell the Alcohol on Karen's breath? I think she's drunk at work!
Chad: Yeah, it's so obvious but she has no idea. She's just trapped in bubble logic.
Makes no logical since to the average human only to those of the highest intelligence
That doesn’t even make since.
It’s Ciaira logic it doesn’t have to.