Receiving a royal pegging, like our future king, William, enjoys.
Assume the position Bob, it’s time for your Prince Billy.
Getting your giant dong fellated while snapchatting it à la Norwegian royalty
how did the tinder date go last night?
great! I gave him the Norwegian Prince.
A very attractive person (usually Austrian) will make you day much better just by seeing the smile on his face and hearing his gorgeous laugh. Jack Prince I usually a burning stud who can get any girl on their knee's just by either growing out their hair, or playing the guitar (and like 12 other instruments) The perfect body, height, weight to you standards, that is a true Jack Prince.
(Girl 1): OMG is that Jack Prince.....
(Girl 2): Yeah...That's my man
an amazing musician who made the song “peace”
Jimmy: Did you hear that new Jack Prince song?
Sally: No
Jimmy: You uncultured swine
A drink comprised of red bull and gin. Made popular by the disgraced Prince Harry of the same name.
Hey man, i went hard On Prince Harry’s last night.
a boy version of a ghetto princess
wow, that boy is sure a ghetto prince!
Has virtue and very patient really great guy. He is a really nice person, . He has a good sense of humor, but it is in his own unique way. Overall, he is a unique, and great guy so if you know him, you should be grateful because he is an amazing person.
He is a man of few words,if he says something put in mind that he really meant it. He loves process he did not jump into something if he was not prepared and sure of it. Is very carefull in all things. He also persistent and insistent on things that he knows right.
Respects women and loved by everyone. Prince Ken is the coolest friend you could ever have he is loyal.
Honest ,polite not boastful. Prince Ken is a keeper.