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trans faggot

Fucking trans people MTF or ftm that are also faggots

Hey you see that trans faggot over there?
Yeah that lizard from amazing Spider-Man looks fucking dumb

by IchigosPinkyToe January 31, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trans Rights

To respect someone who is trans

Person 1: Iโ€™m trans
Person 2: I respect you and support you
#trans rights

by Aesthetic Lily Flower May 31, 2021

90๐Ÿ‘ 357๐Ÿ‘Ž


An aging transvestite or drag queen; can also be an older woman who simply looks like a transvestite.

Famous Tran-Mas: Mrs. Doubtfire, Dame Edna, Nathan Lane, Courtney Love, Susan Sarandon

by PauloAmable July 16, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

steven tran

Steven Tran is basically the definition of the nastiest and most retarded faggot you'll ever meet, he simply is a blithering idiot that likes to suck his own left nut and eat boogers mixed with explosive diarrhea. This guy talks to more shoes than girls and has not seen his penis since birth due to the substantially large layers of fat that he cannot seem to rid no matter what, which jiggles extensively when he runs

Person 1: hey, what's the new kids name?

Person 2: idk, but apparently he is a Steven Tran.

Person 3: Nasty dawg!!

by 123456789qwerty123456789 June 27, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

trans woman

basically a guy, who became a gal, bevause that was her inner calling. not to be confused with a drag queen. no, a trans woman is not a "man in a dress", shes just doing what shes comfortable with. i dont understand whats so horrible and unjust that is.. its a lil hard to explain how yes, that is in fact a woman, or for trans men, a guy.. but thats not an excuse to be transphobic.

"trans woman? oh ya like a guy pretending to be a girl!"
this is not what a trans woman is

"trans woman? yea, a woman who was born male, but became who she was meant to be"
this is what a trans woman is

by lemonicdemonade September 18, 2021

599๐Ÿ‘ 665๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tri Tran

A Cunnilignuis (pussy licking) technique.

Going Down Under, level III Blue Rank

A "Muff (vagina'pussy)" Diving specialty, only performed by high level muff divers. Requires massive Lube, the pussy snorkel, and hard malt liquor"

"WHOA...did you see that? He pulled off a Tri Tran 2 minutes in and ended with a double chin crease the to muff!"

by chen deng zhi December 17, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trans male

A person who was born as a female, also known as trans ftm(female to male). Trans males are just as valad as cis males(born male, identifies as male(A.K.A. not trans for those who "don't like the term cis")). They tend to use "He/Him/His" pronouns(Pronouns(for those who "don't use pronouns") are what you use in place of one's name or one's own name to not need to say someone's name all the time.), unlike cis women or trans women who use "She/Her/Hers" pronouns

person one: Hi, my name is insert random name, and I'm a trans male
person two: Hey, I'm insert other random name, I'm a cis male
person one: That's cool, have a nice day
person two: Alrighty, you too

by The Sebster 69,420 November 6, 2020

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