The response you give when someone you dislike or just your friend ask where one of their possessions are
Katie: where's my pencil?
John: Up yo ass
An insult.
Very painful if applied on real life scenario's.
I'm gonna stick a banana up your ass and around the corner, you asshole!
when u havin a bad day and some random person is talking to u abt random shit u don't even give two kharas abt
person 1 :hey did you know that jason and troy were making out today
person 2: shut yo bum ass up
Refers to someone pretending to be gay, usually done as a joke, a bet, or for some kind of monetary gain.
Logan Paul has half a sausage up his ass.
This guy, has half a sausage up their ass. Clearly they are just acting gay to get money.
A common phrase used by the black population
Homeless guy: “spare some change sir?”
Black guy: “I fucked my mom last night”
Homeless guy: “Incest is bad”
Black guy: “shut yo bitch ass up”
Robert who passes GCSE'S but can't get it right in real life.
up my own ass is something Robert would say, and that's gay
Money wasted on something ridiculous, like wiping your butt.
Johnnie: I just bought some new Jake Paul merch! Now I can show everyone that I'm a big Jake Pauler!
Gary: That's another dollar up the ass.