When an internet beef between two men is squashed and the virtually dock their peens together.
After apologizing to each other online, R and J started virtual docking.
When you must refrain from liking, commenting, posting, reblogging, retweeting, or anything of the sort because you told someone you were going to bed.
"Ugh, the one time my News Feed actually has posts worth commenting on, I'm on Virtual Probation."
Latin: Virtualis Non Res Entitas.
A human made entity existing only in cyberspace.
Just like humans they have different personalities, but they do not develop one itself over time - it is given by the creator.
They do not have a gender nor age.
Their faces are usually abstract, made from lines and shapes. The creator decides how they look like.
There are 2 types of Virtual Being entities:
Apud Propositum Entitas (AP entity for short) - entity with a goal/purpose.
They are created with an assigned task that they have to do. Once the task is completed, they disappear.
Nullus Propositum Entitas (NP entity for shot) - entity without a goal/ purpose.
They are created without a task. They just exist and do whatever they want. They disappear only with the wish of the creator.
It said it doesn't have an age or gender, and the profile picture was strange. There was no info about its life on the profile anywhere too. It must me a Virtual Being Thing (VBT) entity!
Domestic violence between two people that aren't in the same house.
Cases of virtual domestic violence were on the rise since the coronavirus started, and guys were now virtually beating the shit out of their imaginary wives/imaginary lovers. Americans are not already worried enough about the wrong kind of shit, they need more of it to worry about, like virtual domestic violence.
See: Keyboard Warrior, troll, internet tough guy, URL Badman
Virtual Gangster is the sore loser in real life, s/he has a ball to talk shit online but they are timid, matey, and passive-aggresive in real life
A virtual optimist is a person who portrays a positive and hopeful future on social media, while generally not doing anything in real life to impact that future, expecting it to happen on its own.
You need to stop being a virtual optimist about this neighborhood, it hasn't improved in 20 years and has only gotten worse, as no one does anything to improve it.
Virtual Pants is when a guy wants to have "virtual sex" or "Cyber Sex"
The boy wanted to get into my best friends virtual pants.