Noun. When you find a concept that a person who is brilliant wrote, that you don't understand. You open the wikipedia article about that concept, and open tabs in your browser for all of the links in that wikipedia article that you also don't understand. Eventually, you have 25 tabs open and you hit the terminal point where you understand, then you work your way backwards through the other 24 tabs until you understand it all. Choose your own adventure books were books that had many possible endings depending on the pages you chose. They were entertainment circa 1985.
How does MD5 hashing work? It uses one way functions...How do one way functions work? Uh oh, time for a wikipedia choose your own adventure.
Look Up Snow On Wikipedia is a phrase used when someone brings up the wiki page for a topic in an argument.
"Goku lost his tail to Yamcha."
"Actually, he lost his tail to Piccolo, i'm looking at it right now."
"Look up snow on wikipedia dude."
A game played using wikipedia in which most of the good words from the urban dictionary are entered into wikipedia to see if any of the results will be funny (most of them are)
hey hey look im going to wikipedia shit
A topical progression that leads into infinite topical regress which begins with an inquiry into factual content about one specific topic that leads into factual content about multiple related sub-topics, sub-sub-topics, and ad infinitum sub-sub-topics.
"I googled 'Roald Amundsen' and knew I'd gone down a 'Wikipedia rabbit hole' when I ended up reading the lyrics to the 'Star Spangled Banner'."
Something that has enough importance to actually be on Wikipedia, in contrast to what you can find no trace of on there. Hence, "worthy of Wikipedia," or Wikipedia-worthy. Since users from across the world can edit or add to Wikipedia, the lack of information on a specific topic marks its sheer unimportance or obscurity.
Person 1: Hey, listen to this band, it's great.
Person 2: Are you kidding me? It's not Wikipedia-worthy; I just checked.
Person 1: Come on, man, give it a try. No one knows who they are, but they're so awesome.
A person who contributes to Wikipedia, especially a regular contributor versed in the ways of the site.
My friend Bob is a Wikipediaer, all his time is spent on editing Wikipedia articles... what a geek!