Source Code

Yee Haw

What people say when something goes wrong. It means Oh no or yeet.

Dude 1: I just asked out my crush!
Dude 2: What did she say???
Dude 1: Nope.
Dude 2: Yee haw.

by mewahahaha November 13, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


To have male gay sex. This word is often used as code to allow gay men to talk about their sex lives in privacy.

Mike: Wanna yee later?
Kenan: No, i have work

Jason: All i want to do is yee in the bathroom, but the line is too long!

by OfficialDict.Def.Corps February 22, 2009

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yee haw

What cowboys and rednecks say while shooting at someone or thing.

Yee haw I just begged us some dinner!

by Mustard April 5, 2004

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National Yee Yee Day

A day to celebrate (mock) annoying rednecks, inbreds, and trump supporters. It's all about you gun freaks and truck mudders. You lasso tittyheads.

Oh my god brother... it's national yee yee day, I damn near forgot.

by Weekend Father May 20, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

yee haw

run, black people! the white people are going to play country.

yee haw, let's go to dixie outfitters and buy some more ugly clothes!

by Sarah April 1, 2004

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Yee yee ass haircut

A slang term for an awful looking haircut. A haircut that you should get rid of if you want to get some bitches on your dick.

Bro look at him he got that yee yee ass haircut

by GTA lol July 22, 2023

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yee Poon

1. A true legend who is chinese.

2. Slang for ''your vagina''

Dude 1: Hey, its Yee Poon over there!
Dude 2: Yeah man, havent seen her around in long time

Dude 1: Mannn, yee poon is amazzinggg

by GreatestEver. March 20, 2010

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