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do you like jazz?

Barry B Benson

Do you like Jazz?

by BBBenson January 25, 2017

15👍 5👎

what do you write

What do you write? It’s a graffiti term for taggers to ask you what crew your from.

What do you write? I write booty gang

by CVOCKISLIFE November 20, 2017

do you even vep

when you vape out of someone’s butthole

do you even vep? bro mo vep the shit out of that girls butt

by ellis donnelly September 14, 2017

What do you mmmmmeeeeaaaannn

Tgf would be proud :)

Friend:"Bro I'm so gonna strap myself to a gas canister and fight giant naked people with katanas" you:"Bro what do you mmmmmeeeeaaaannn "

by Cacharararadontosaurus April 22, 2017

do you no de way

Uganda Knuckles

Do yo no de way klok klok klock

she smell like the great ebola do you no de way

by www.salad.com April 29, 2020

Do you speak Jawn?

A question you ask someone to determine if "Jawn" is a part of their regular vocabulary, and thus whether they speak in an Eastern Pennsylvanian dialect. Jawn is a slang pronoun that originated in Philly. It can be used to refer to any person, place, or thing.

Billy: "Do you speak Jawn?"
Bob: "What the fuck is a John?"
Billy: "Clearly you don't. I guess you're not from Philly."

by kgm/s July 1, 2021

Artur why you not do your homework

This is a meme phrase from a tv series called a serbian film

It's mainly spread through discord and tiktok it's become a legendary meme

It's popular among meme legends that participated in "cum wars" and the "abusement park" gc

You can find it easily on discord

famous youtubers such as big nick, oompa loompa gaurdian, lebron cum juice v2 and tittysplitter have made these jokes famous

for the nerds artur is a character from the game zelda that gets referenced in a movie
Just to clarify artur is not a real person

Hey man you're taking too long don't pull a artur why you not do your homework on me
Yeah bruh

Bruh deez nutz you pulled it you idiot!

by subaruwrx an tesla and toyot a December 7, 2021

3👍 1👎