Its a place where idiots make up hilarious and stupid words/Description and i love it #subtopewds
I love Urban dictionary but i think it needs more memes reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
An Website That Difines Meanings Of Words.
Me: I like the Urban Dictionary
Bad person: Ugh no
Urban Dictionary indulges individuals to be creative and build on changing definitions.
For some the temptation to brutalise and demoralise decent people is too much. Usually low skilled 20 some things who try to shove and push through, queue jumping making cheap gags and obviously starved of attention.
Urban Dictionary has so much potential but as often happens is over run by idiots.
Urban Dictionary had so much potential.
A Shithole that i come to when I procrastinate.
Mom: Are you doing your college apps?
Me: Wow today I found out what a brown tie is on Urban Dictionary.
An awesome way to waste a Sunday evening reading online that often helps with words that people just make up on the spot
I used urban dictionary. It's the only place you can find words from Karl pilkington.
A website that gives you shit definitions about stuff that has absolutely no value to know in real life. Who even invented this shitpost of a website. Uwu >:(
Friend: Hey insert generic human name whats Urban Dictionary?
Me: A-what-a-what-a-what?
Friend: ya know...urban dictionary....
Me: never heard of it, but it sounds stupid.
Friend: Oh yeah it is stupid...