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Theo James

Name of the hottest actor of all time. Every girls lady boner, the 39 year old man every teenage girl has a crush on and delusional for.

Hey do you that hot actor, theo j-

Girl 2:

by Pajost April 28, 2024

James webster

A little fella who gets no girls and is annoying as fuck

He’s being such a James Webster

by Staceymarvelous December 6, 2023

James Dee

A very very very gay wolf, that fur is a rainbow

Quit acting like a James Dee

by Roasted1234567899 February 4, 2016

James Cameron's Blue Shit

An alternative name for James Cameron's "Avatar", because the Franchise title of "Avatar" is already taken by Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, and all the Avatar comics and novels with Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, Yangchen, Szeto, Wan, etc.

*Side Note: And for Star Wars: Sequel Fans who say "You have to blindly love everything", for them; the Avatar Franchise includes Shyamalan's The Last Airbender; which Star Wars: Sequel Fans completely love that movie if they're also Avatar fans; since Star Wars: Sequel Fans have no taste in quality.

*Also Note: Releasing movies after a decade later doesn't count, and is basically "cheating". As of now, the true #1 movie of all time is still Avengers: Endgame.

WTF is James Cameron thinking; his second blue shit movie has to be among the top five movies of all time just to break even? Very likely, James Cameron's Blue Shit 2 will fail and it will kill 3-5.

He should have released 2-5 soon after the first one came out, before 13 years past guy can people had enough time to pull the curtains and see that James Cameron's Blue Shit isn't as great of a movie as he thinks it is.

by Danny Duignan on Facebook November 29, 2022

James bonderchuk

Ava’s bf

Ava and James bonderchuk are dating

Ava’s bf 4 life

by Lalakakajana January 24, 2023

Jesse james


Jesse james

by Bbsnwnmq October 1, 2023

James Vivian

The definition of a skin guardian! The overlord of the best Porehouse in Toorak, James is a little more than obsessed when it comes to skin. There isn’t quite anything like walking out of the James Vivian clinic with a face full of a glow and skin as clear as day.

Oh she’s definitely been to see James Vivian, it’s written all over her face!

by Brintll November 23, 2021