A term of endearment and/or? insult that the favorite manager at your regular bar calls you in an attempt to compliment and/or? put you down. You should probably just take it as a compliment and move on with your night.
"It tastes like an alcoholic gummi bear"
"Kind of like her."
The act of slicing open your stomach, similar to seppuku, and letting your organs fall out to intimidate others. Old term that originated from the Care Bears show, that was given an adult spin.
The suspect escaped after giving the officers the Care Bear Stare.
This activity can be used by males and females alike. Originating from the originally Cate Bear cartoon we watched as children where the bear immobilizes or defeats negativity with rainbows that shoot from their tummies.
To use this in human form. It is characterized by planting both feet firm on the ground and staring down your victim or prey until they are too creeped out or call the police for help. the purpose is to assert dominance but often achieves the look of crazy, possibility being arrested or causing laughter.
Tony Care Bear Stared a cute girl at the grocery store and got slapped.
(verb) to thoroughly, completely, and totally fail at life.
I don't want to bear stearns.
I totally bear stearnsed that exam.
This year was sort of a disaster; it's probably time to stop bear stearnsing!
A man that orders one sausage on his morning breakfast.
“Hey Andy did you see that guy with one sausage on his plate for breakfast?”
“Yes Dan I did he’s a proper Wozzy Bear that guy”
A guy from California who is on top of their stuff and makes the most out of their life
" Yo you see him on his grind?"
"Yeah man, he's a California bear"
A person who has an unusual attraction to animals especially sheep. Aka sheep shagger.
That sheep is walking funny, must have found a Popa bear last night.