A text ending meaning "platonic". Used to clarify that one is not being flirtatious or sexual, rather showing good friendship.
Love you! /p You look so good! /p I love how that looks on you. /p.
Doing your bits and pieces. Popping the shops for a pint of milk, going to the post office, paying your bills, doing your paperwork.
''What are you doing this weekend?'' ''Oh just my B's and P's.''
The plane with the record of the largest gun on it, a 102mm anti-shipping gun. It was based on the P.108 heavy bomber, built by the Italians during ww2.
Did you know that the plane with the biggest gun was the P.108A?
Something that is searched when a person is at the peak of boredom but somehow goes higher. Achieved by going from up to down on the keyboard and alternating the shift key at the same time.
You: I already typed qwertyuiop and 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-'=, what else is there?
Your friend: Have you tried !qAz@wSx#eDc$rFv%tGb^yHn&uJm*iK,(oL.)p:/_"+.
You: I could try that!
someone who is a victim of nightmare shin, or anyone lower.
that dude wait are you is a P tier, he got beat up by manifested.