When a guy gets a lot of bitches, steals peoples mum and make racks also high in protein
Both middle finger up in a picture
a person that Is better than you in every single way
zeke middle finger points his middle finger
It means you’re forever with your partner.
Rhys: “Shawn was doing the Four fingers up and middle finger down in his post” .
John: “bro he must love her then for real”.
100% would not recommend going there, like imagine your mascot being a fucking bird.🤡🤡🤡
A good percent of the people that go there are weird as shit, the type of weird to shit on a bathroom counter plus there is no surviving the boys bathroom because there is no fucking stall doors or soap.
The popular kids pretty much all look the fucking same.
Stay away from the kids with dyed hair, they be like "Oh, I'm Bisexual" like no bro you're Bi-Yourself.
Person 1:I've been thinking on moving, would Melissa middle school be a good place for my kid?
Person 2:You're better off in North Korea.
A places where hoes and snakes thrive
Most girls are hoes and need to go
Many guys just try to get in your pants**
Hey did you hear “green middle school” has hoes
There are four steps
Step 1: Make sure the weapon is dirty. Like a rectum
Step 2: Assume regular firing position then drop your left arm to your side
Step 3: Point gun in a random direction, so Allah can rain them back down on the Infidels
Step 4: Yell " Aloha Snackbar" the entire time
Go watch Middle Eastern Gun Training