An expression to convey disgust or anger. Best used when the words Piss and Shit are strongly emphasized.
Derived from those who defiantly choose not to flush an extraordinarily large, smelly load of shit in a public restroom only to be discovered by another who merely ducked into the stall to piss instead of waiting for a urinal.
Walking in the dark and stubbing your toe... "Piss on my shit!"
While sitting at a traffic light checking your text even after the light turns green, the driver behind begins to honk. You look in the mirror and yell, "Piss on my shit!"
the state of being able to do something more efficiently and practically while intoxicated
i was gonna go to the movies, but being the pragma-pissed that i am, decided to get hammered at home and watch tv instead
When you’re so drunk you pee in your partners bed, and you wake up and leave without saying anything.
“I was so drunk last night I pulled an Irish piss and now I’m never going to talk to her again.”
When you might be a little drunk, and you slip and fall in the outhouse or bathroom stall, bit you bounce right back up again. Nobody saw you... But piss dust is the residue you can feel but maybe not see on your clothes. Only you know it's there
Also known as urine vapor or pee mist. Can be found around toilets and May cause your baseboard heat covers near your toilet to rot and rust
Damn, I slipped and fell in the porta potty and when I came out I was covered in piss dust!
When a man tucks his penis and balls in between his legs so it is pointing out of the back (similar to the "goat" or silence of the lambs tucking), you then back up to a urinal, bow forward and piss out the back.
I was so drunk at the game last night that I decided to drop my pants to my ankles, turn around and do some back pissing in in the urinal.
Pissed out or all pissed out means bedding, stuffed chairs, sofas, car seats and the like that has been ruined by urine leaked by incontinent users.
I sat down in a theater seat and told my date, "Honey, this seat stinks; it's all pissed out!"
Sorry lady, I had too much beer and pissed out your love seat.