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It's when you haven't wiped your butt well after a bowel-movement.

Shouldn't need an example.

by KoolDaddy June 19, 2003

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

coin slot eyes

Describing the eyes of a Asian person and there unique look

The new Chinese student was bullied for his coin slot eyes

by Gorrila from the south April 7, 2017

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My eyes are sweating

A retarded way of saying that you’re crying

Me: β€œare you ok?”
Person: β€œmy eyes are sweating so obviously not”

by Anonymousbitch:) September 20, 2019

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Third Raccoon Eye

The hostile act of punching a man in the dick while he is half-asleep, giving him a third eye down below to match his upper two.

"How's that for a third raccoon eye?

One more punch and It'll be third eye blind."

by asiandong April 18, 2016

Baby Doll Eyes

A person who's eyes are so dark, it looks they have the big, cute eyes of a baby doll. You may also not be able to tell which part of these said eyes are the iris or pupil.

Person One: Girl, have you seen Seth's eyes? They're, like so brown. Almost black! I could look into them for dayyyss

Person Two: Yeah, he totally has those Baby Doll Eyes. He is sooo cute!!!

by GrandmasterSmoke August 9, 2017

Donny Wakey Eyes

when a persons eyes are not following each other but in fact facing in different directions as pointed to the town of Wakefield and Doncaster

you seen that guy?
yeah, propper Donny Wakey Eyes

by Pheonixnight January 14, 2018

Invisible Four Eyes

Any person who wears contacts, has invisibe four eyes.

Look at troys invisible four eyes!

by Troytheboytoy July 23, 2009