"Chocolate is the shit," little Timmy told his friends.
A food made typically made from roasted or ground cacao beans. It is generally sweetened and can be consumed in many forms. Since it's conceptipn, it's etymological meaning has now evolved to even encompass things made from substances apart from the cacao like white chocolate.
Here, have some white chocolate. It's great!
The only thing that females can eat when on their period
me) “Give me the hecking chocolate you butt”
my mom) “but... you just ate everything in the fridge...”
one of the basic necessities in life, made by umpaloumpas
He was dying, so they gave him chocolate.
it can mean anything, like you can use it in anyway
LILLY: "i am going to the movies"
JACK: "that's chocolate"
or it can be
RON: " i just ate my house"
JACK: " that is chocolate"
Person 1; I hate chocolate.
Chocaholic;Who ARE you?!!