That really fucking annoying song that should never have been created.
“F U C K O F F.”
The election seems lost! If only we had a conservative media decimating in human form! Whatever will we do!?
Hym "Oh no! If only we had some sort of living psychic bomb capable of decimating the conservative media infrastructure! What are we going to do guys!? Where would we even find such a thing!?"
Ben Shapiro *See black 2nd husband*
Ben Shapiro "Oh no!"
Hym "So... You knew what the basic premise of the video was... But it was not until you saw the 6'5 bald black guy that you were mortified... Ok... A little racist... I'm a little slighted by that... So... It's ok for you to be horrified by consensual big black second husband who's not retarded but I can't be flabbergasted by little girl touching retard sex cult? This is horse shit."